Configure Device SNMP Group

You can update or delete a device SNMP group.

About this task

Follow this procedure to update or delete a device SNMP group.
  • The SNMP v2c/v3 group is created automatically when you create your first associated community or user.
  • The SNMP v2c/v3 group is deleted automatically when you delete the last associated community or user.

For information about commands and supported parameters, see ExtremeCloud Orchestrator Command Reference, 3.6.0 .


  1. To update a device SNMP group, run the efa inventory device snmp group update command.
    The following example updates a group:
    efa inventory device snmp group update --name "test-grp-v2" --version v2c --read-view "test-view-1" --ip
    |  IP Address   | Group Name  | Version |  Read view  | Write view | Notify view | Auth Level | Status  | Reason |
    | | test-grp-v2 | v2c     | test-view-1 |            |             |            | Success |        |
    Snmp group details
  2. To list SNMP groups on device, run the efa inventory device snmp group list command.

    The following example lists groups on a specific device:

    efa inventory device snmp group list --ip
    |  IP Address   | Group Name  | Version |  Read view  | Write view | Notify view | Auth Level |    AppState     |
    | | efav3Group  | v3      |             |            | efav3View   | noauth     | cfg-not-managed |
    | | test-grp-v2 | v2c     | test-view-1 | efav3View  |             | noauth     | cfg-in-sync     |
    Snmp group details